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Papers in International Conference Proceedings
- Shin-ichiro SUGIMOTO and Shinobu YOSHIMURA
Magnetic-Structural Coupled Analysis with Hierarchical Domain Decomposition Method,
USNCCM X (10th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics), Columbus, Ohio, USA, July 16-19, 2009.
- Amane TAKEI, Shin-ichiro SUGIMOTO, Hiroshi KAWAI and Shinobu YOSHIMURA,
Visualization for Large-scale High Frequency Electromagnetic Field Analysis Using Hierarchical Domain-decomposition Data Structure,
Asia Simulation Conference 2009 (JSST2009), Shiga, Japan, October 7-9, 2009.
- Victor MAGRON, Yushi MUKAIDA, Shin-ichiro SUGIMOT and Shinobu YOSHIMURA,
Magetic-Structural Coupled Analysis of MRI Model with Hierarchical Domain Decomposition Method,
Asia Simulation Conference 2009 (JSST2009), Shiga, Japan, October 7-9, 2009.
- Shin-ichiro SUGIMOTO, Jian ZHAO, Masao OGINO, Hiroshi KANAYAMA and Shinobu YOSHIMURA,
Introduction of a Direct Solver at Subdomains in Non-linear Magnetostatic Analysis with HDDM,
COMPUMAG2009 (The 17th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields), PA1.8, Florianopolis, Brasil, November 22-26, 2009.
- Amane TAKEI, Shin-ichiro SUGIMOTO, Masao OGINO, Shinobu YOSHIMURA and Hiroshi KANAYAMA,
Full Wave Analyses of Electromagnetic Fields with an Iterative Domain Decomposition Method,
COMPUMAG2009 (The 17th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields), PB3.13, Florianopolis, Brasil, November 22-26, 2009.
- Shin-ichiro SUGIMOTO, Jian ZHAO, Masao OGINO, Hiroshi KANAYAMA, Shinobu YOSHIMURA,
Introduction of a Direct Solver at Subdomain in Magnetostatic Analysis by HDDM,
The thirteenth biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC2008), May 2008.
- Shin-ichiro SUGIMOTO, Shinobu YOSHIMURA and Hiroshi KANAYAMA,
Magnetic-Structural Coupled Analysis by Hierarchical Domain Decomposition Method,
8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8) & 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2008), July 2008.
- Shin-ichiro SUGIMOTO, Shinobu YOSHIMURA and Hiroshi KANAYAMA,
3D Magnetic Field Computations by REVOCAP_Magnetic,
International Workshop for Large-Scale Coupled Simulations: Computation and Physics, April 2007.
- Hiroshi KANAYAMA and Shin-ichiro SUGIMOTO,
An Application of the Domain Decomposition Method to Three-Dimensional Large-Scale Magnetic Field Analyses,
Fourth International Conference of Applied Mathematics and Computing, August 2007.
- Shin-ichiro SUGIMOTO, Jian ZHAO, Hiroshi KANAYAMA, Masao OGINO, Shinobu YOSHIMURA,
First Consideration for 3D Non-Linear Magnetostatic Analysis for over 100 Million DOF Problems by Hierarchical Domain Decomposition Method,
APCOM07 in conjunction with EPMESC XI, p.512 (Full paper is in CD-ROM), December 2007.
- Hiroshi KANAYAMA, Shin-ichiro SUGIMOTO and Shuuji ASAKAWA,
Verification of 3-D Large-Scale Nonlinear Magnetostatic Analysis,
The twelfth biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC2006), p.437, April 2006.
- Shin-ichiro SUIGMOTO and Hiroshi KANAYAMA,
3D Magnetic Field Analysis by ADVENTURE_Magnetic,
The Seventh World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM VII), June 2006.
- Hiroshi KANAYAMA and Shin-ichiro SUGIMOTO,
Effectiveness of A-φ Method in a Parallel Computing with an Iterative Domain Decomposition Method,
COMPUMAG2005 (The 15th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields), Volume II, pp.8-9, June 2005.
- Hiroshi KANAYAMA and Shin-ichiro SUGIMOTO,
Verification of Large-Scale Analysis of 3-D Nonlinear Magnetostatic Problems,
COMPUMAG2005 (The 15th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields), TEAM WORKSHOP, pp.11-12, June 2005.
- Hiroshi KANAYAMA, Hongjie ZHENG and Shin-ichiro SUGIMOTO,
3D Magnetic Field Computations by ADVENTURE_Magnetic,
4th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS2004), Volume II, p.62 (Full paper is in CD-ROM), July 2004.
- Hiroshi KANAYAMA, Daisuke TAGAMI and Shin-ichiro SUGIMOTO,
3-D Eddy Current Computations Using an Iterative Domain Decomposition Method,
The Sixth World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM VI), Volume I, p.66 (Full paper is in CD-ROM), September 2004.
- Daisuke TAGAMI, Hiroshi KANAYAMA and Shin-ichiro SUGIMOTO,
Numerical Computations of 3-D Eddy Current Problems by Iterative Domain Decomposition Method,
The 15th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, p.63, July 2003.
- Hiroshi KANAYAMA, Daisuke TAGAMI, Koichiro IMOTO, and Shin-ichiro SUGIMOTO,
3-D Eddy Current Computation Using the A-φ Method for a Transformer Tank,
Sixth International Symposium on Electric and Magnetic Fields from Numerical Models to Industrial Applications (EMF2003), pp.47-50, October 2003.
- Hiroshi KANAYAMA, Shin-ichiro SUGIMOTO and Satoshi MATSUMOTO,
Large Scale Analysis of Eddy Current Problems Using the A-φ Method,
1st Asia-Pacific International Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering 2003 (ICOME2003), ABSTRACTS, November 2003.